Key to quality and efficiency is professionalism
We make sure to complete the job in the most efficient way and maintain transparency from filing to the visa process. That makes us reliable.
Our professionals strive to become experts in their field, which sets us apart from the rest of the pack. We always keep us up to date.
We understand the clients’ needs and provide a solution tailored to clients’ needs. Also, work according to Compulsory bindings of Code of conduct.
We work under a strict code of conduct from MARA and laws and policies under the Migration act 1958 and Regulations 1994.
We are committed to provide
- Highest service standards to all our clients globally.
- Customized immigration advice tailored to clients’ needs.
- Lodge the visa application in a legal, ethical, professional way.
- Preserve our clients’ confidentiality.
- Most cost-efficient way to secure a visa.
- Regularly inform the progress of their visa applications.

Sumit Kumar
Ozee Migration Services founder, Sumit Kumar is an Australian citizen who has worked in various organizations in Australia as well as in Overseas for many years. He follows his passion for migration law and helps people to achieve their dreams.
Registration MARN Number: 1681812
- Registered Migration Agent
- Experienced and professional
To become a one stop destination for all migration needs.
Our mission is to provide personalised, quality migration and education solutions or advice to all prospective clients. Our qualified staff provides assistance to clients with visa application preparation and submission. In addition, professional advisors guide students on attractive career opportunities and compare each profile according to the suitable career options based on academic background, aptitudes, and ambitions.